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Monday, February 15, 2010

It's a long weekend!

Sigh! what a relief its CNY holidays and happens to be a long weekend. I can see many residents are taking this opportunity to be away from home. Hot weather seems to be here again, and so is not that I know of anyone being down with one, well not at Sri Mahligai but somewhere else in other parts of Shah Alam. The hot spell has also drove loads, I mean loads of people to cooler areas like to waterfalls at forest reserves. Well at least this was what I saw today when I went to Ulu Yam for a get together with my family. It's amazing to see all the vehicles jamming up the parking areas and also the road leading to the picnic spots. Back at Mahligai, the pool is very quiet...

By, the way I wonder whatever happened to the visitors' parking located between blocks 16 and 17? I know MBSA has put up a huge banner regarding parking outside our compound but that does not mean we should take up all the parking inside our area. What happens to our visitors when they visit us? I do hope the Management will enlighten us on this. I hope MC is sensible enough when they let out parking spaces to residents. Please don't do it at the expense of visitors.

Happy holidays!

1 comment:

chairman said...

salam and good day to all residents especially the bloggers. first i would like to respond to the comment on guards. someone did mentioned that the guards are keep changing, from our records, we are still using the same guard (starcms) and there are 8 guards per shift (2 shifts) and they are rotating the same guard everyday.
for as the parking bays between block 16 and block 17, for all this while, we reserve the parking bays for the visitors, but the residents are taking advantage by making the bays theirs. if other residents are willing to pay rm30/-per month for the parking bay,while they are parking for free. so why not rent the bays to them. at least MC has extra income and be fair to others that are paying the monthly rental.for your info, there is an exclusive condo in wangsa maju, namely Menara Alpha Condo, the guards are very strict and there are only 4 visitors parking provided. visitors are to park outside. our priority parking is for the residents and tenants.